Ravenyard is a published

thought leader on issues

relating to crisis.


“When a business crisis hits, one of the first calls is usually to a lawyer. When that call comes, a lawyer needs to understand the emotional dynamic of a crisis and the particular energy it produces in order to fulfill their role as an adviser.”

Written by Aaron Solomon
Law 360 logo
November 24, 2020

“One of the hallmarks of crisis is that life as we know it seems to change in an instant . . . . The one thing we do know for certain is that the status quo is untenable – we can’t go back to where we were nor can we stay where we are.”

Written by Jenny Schmidt
October 27, 2020

“Much attention has already been paid to helping businesses make choices, manage risk and stay afloat during this challenging time. Little has been said, however, about how to help lawyers survive under the strain of balancing multiple client crises while simultaneously experiencing a crisis of their own.”

Written by Aaron Solomon
Law 360 logo
April 24, 2020

Executives at a crisis communications firm observe that reactive decision-making gives the illusion of control but can’t be successful because it lacks focus and goals. They say the simple act of setting priorities can make all of the difference.

Written by Meredith Wilson Parfet and Aaron Solomon
April 7, 2020

Employees need to believe that their organization is able to handle the crisis. Here are some tips to make that happen.

Written by Meredith Wilson Parfet and Aaron Solomon
March 14, 2020