Private Equity &
Venture Capital
Are you prepared for a crisis in a portfolio company?
What would you do if one of your CEOs stepped down? Or if you discovered impropriety or fraud within the company? What is your fiduciary responsibility to your investors? We work with private equity and venture capital groups to help answer these questions. While it’s difficult to plan for a true crisis, there are steps that can be put in place to manage against the fallout.

What does a typical engagement look like?
As a way of mitigating risk, we offer a retainer model to private equity and venture capital groups for their portfolio companies. Should an actual crisis strike, we make ourselves available to hit the ground running. But we are also able to perform mitigating preparatory work in the meantime.
- Interviews to thoroughly understand company business model
- Assessment of potential risk
- Optics analysis
- Initial priorities assessment
For a specific crisis engagement, we typically work on discrete issues for roughly 10 – 12 weeks at a time, contracting for additional work when necessary.
All engagements are individually tailored, but generally include:
- 360 degree analysis to determine actual crisis and root causes
- Stakeholder analysis
- Comprehensive strategy based on organizational priorities
- Interface with legal team
- Message development, message maps, and “pocket talking points”
- External facing PR/media response
- Internal communications
- Reputation management
- Support for leaders and teams

Crisis is hard. We support you.
People often downplay how personally difficult it is to go through a professional crisis. A leader is required to make some of the most significant decisions of their career under the the most difficult of circumstances. Even the most mild crisis causes intense stress. But more serious crises can create feelings of vilification, alienation, loss of a dream, and loss of identity.
Every Ravenyard engagement includes support for leaders and teams. This includes 1:1 coaching for senior leadership as well as tools and exercises for teams to foster better communication, resilience, and empathy.