Ravenyard is a published
thought leader on issues
relating to crisis.

The July 30, 2024 issue of FFI Practitioner Practice Insights features an article Meredith wrote highlighting an aspect of her upcoming presentation at the FFI Conference in October. In it, she takes lessons learned as a hospice chaplain – sitting with the dying and their families – to offer a better framework for managing crises in family enterprise.
Written by Meredith Parfet
August 27, 2024
theWieSuite interviewed Meredith Wilson Parfet on managing through crisis for one of its live Masterclasses – the excerpted article features the highlights.
Interview with Meredith Wilson Parfet
March 19, 2024

She saw a void and filled it with care
In their April/May print edition, Woman’s Day featured women who made over spaces to benefit their communities. Included was the meditation room that Meredith and her son created to support the hardworking staff at TRU Community Care – the hospice center where she works as chaplain.
Interview with Meredith Wilson Parfet
March 13, 2024
Voyage Denver interviews Meredith (and Denver native!) about Ravenyard Group, challenges, and happiness.
Interview with Meredith Wilson Parfet
October 16, 2023
Meredith Wilson Parfet puts on her hospice chaplain hat to explore the cultural shifts in death and dying, and offers the following framework to explain some of what we’re experiencing 1) Baby Boomers still influence much of our cultural zeitgeist, 2) we’re more spiritual but less religious, 3) we’re obsessed with longevity, and 4) the pandemic forced more to face the reality of death on a larger scale than ever before.
Interview with Meredith Wilson Parfet
October 9, 2023
Ivy CEO and Founder, Beri Meric, interviews Meredith Wilson Parfet about the experiences that led her to found Ravenyard Group and her thoughts on everything crisis – personally, professionally, and organizationally.
September 18, 2023
“The organizations that survive crisis intact are ruthlessly focused on what matters most to them and are willing to let the extraneous fall by the wayside.”
Interview with Meredith Wilson Parfet
March 14, 2023
This CLE program discusses the power of storytelling and narrative as a communication tool for lawyers. Aaron Solomon and Meredith Wilson Parfet analyze the elements of a compelling narrative, tools for identifying and organizing core narrative themes, and examples of the use of storytelling in complaints and litigation adjacent crisis communications.
Presented by Aaron Solomon and Meredith Wilson Parfet
February 27, 2023
CEOs are often called on to provide leadership in a crisis. But what does an organization do when, for whatever reason, there’s no one in the corner office to respond to a disaster, scandal, or other business emergencies?
Quoting Meredith Wilson Parfet
October 19, 2022
My LinkedIn feed has been filled with layoff posts lately. They’re often a series of uncomfortable responses from well-intentioned friends. I’ve seen people say everything from “Good luck!”
Written by Meredith Wilson Parfet
September 9, 2022
“Life is a mystery. Death is a mystery. Our job is to explore the full range of the experience.”
Written by Meredith Wilson Parfet
June 14, 2022
Under the best circumstances, a legal dispute can be exhausting, scary, and isolating, and can significantly reduce the benefit of an eventual legal victory.