Know Your Crisis Coping Style
And Set Priorities
Setting priorities is crucial to successfully navigating a crisis. They are a lifeline – guiding you through dark, uncertain, and overwhelming times.
What does science say?
The Ravenyard Crisis Coping Quiz is anchored in research on how the human nervous system reacts to highly stressful events. We’ve all heard of the “Fight or Flight” response, which describes the adaptive survival mode that kicks in when we face danger. Psychologist Daniel Goleman coined the term “amygdala highjack” to describe how, in the face of an emotional crisis, we may have an intense reaction that bypasses our rational brain and impairs coping.
You are either a Detonator or a Burier, each with strengths and drawbacks. Everyone has a dominant type, although we carry both styles in our repertoire. It is important to become self-aware of our go-to crisis pathway so that we can regulate our nervous system and then effectively harness our energy and resources to move through intense challenges.
Are you a DETONATOR?
Are you a BURIER?
Detonators need a release for painful emotions to alleviate stress and diffuse pressure. This can lead to explosive behavior and self-destructive habits. When you are not in crisis, these same qualities translate differently. You’ve probably been described as an innovator, a disruptor, or a maverick.
You push negative emotions inward to avoid pain. Effective compartmentalizing conveys steadiness but can also lead to feeling stuck. Painful emotions eventually leak out in other ways like lethargy, misplaced anger, or perceived lack of empathy. When you’re not in crisis, these same qualities translate differently. You’ve probably been described as strategic, highly logical, a strong leader.
Am I avoiding painful emotions with unhealthy habits?
Am I looking for someone to blame?
Am I venting anger, frustration, or fear in ways that are harmful to others?
What would happen if I acknowledged how helpless or ashamed I feel?
Am I behaving robotically?
What am I avoiding/doing/feeling/saying about this experience?
What would happen if I acknowledged the true pain of this situation?
What if I let others see me struggling?
Why do you need priorities in a crisis?
A crisis, whether personal or professional, is a turning point in our lives. There is a distinct before and after the crisis, a Life 1 and Life 2. Because crisis is so significant, so transformational, things never go back to the way they were. But it also provides an opportunity to examine our lives in a different way – to necessitate introspection and question assumptions.
We believe that one of the ways you can grow from crisis is by setting careful, focused priorities – the earlier in crisis the better. Priorities are both an anchor and a way of evaluating decisions. They allow you to make difficult choices in a manner that aligns with your long-term goals and values.
Your priorities are a guide. You can use them as a way of evaluating decisions throughout the duration of the crisis. They are a way of staying centered on a larger purpose in the midst of hardship and doubt. They are a way of finding meaning by transforming hardship into growth.
Explore Priorities
Click on the links below to learn more about individual priorities
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